Mr. Farmer, just because my comments mirror a known terrorist, his lies, does not mean that I have studied him, using his comments or am doing the same. In fact I am not and did not know that was even the case, that he said these things. I don’t really know anything about the man, and maybe I should do the research. My comments about killing innocents is sincere and true; I do not believe that American Citizens are not innocent. My parents are U.S. citizens for Gods sake! The video that I posted was done out of ignorance, not based upon sound decision making. I didn’t know anything about Jihad or terrorism at the time and did not equate the video with such ideologies. Now, I have grown and studied and see where he was going with it. (I had said that I didn’t know how the video got up on my group site, but I have recalled that I did put it there. It is true that Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) prophicied that war would come to Afghanistan and war would be waged. It is true that he spoke about the struggles that would ensue against the Palestinian people and so on.. but like I said, I didn’t equate that with extremism, the fact that the video was discussing the fact that war would come to these geographical locations.(and I was younger and dumber and since have grown in knowledge of my religion and learned to listen to and read well those things that I post. (I’m sure you will slice and dice what I write, until you turn all this into something that its not).
Again, it should be noted that your accusations against me are wrong. I posted the picture, because I don’t agree with the slaughtering of little kids and babies being shot and killed. (The Israeli invasion of Palestine and the fact that they openly killed so many women and children and innocents, and the fact that our country supports them financially.) I posted the picture, not because I hate this country, but because I hate that this country has lost its way. The founding fathers never intended us to be a country that aids others in genocide, they intended Justice and Peace for all, and no one can justify the murdering of children or murdering military recruiters in AR. They never intended for our rights to be taken away, as they were after 9/11 and they surely didn’t intend for the the Government to have as much power as our current president has seized and abused.(The question that should be asked is not where do I stand, but what will i do about it? The fact is that I will post a picture or two,and I may protest against it; but never will I do the horrible things that Bledso and the likes have done.) I do hold our constitution in high regard, and my love for Country has not turned into hate. Many people stand and shout against the atrocities committed by both Muslims and Non Muslims alike, and that was my way of saying “this is not right”. If you want to call me anti American for it, then fine, that is your right, but it is not accurate. (Glenn Beck is my favorite radio program…)If you want to say that I’m saying what a known terrorist has said, fine, that is your right as well, but it is not my intention to hide behind statements as he did or deceive you and others to conceal an extremist way of thinking. I due hold firm to the belief that women, children and non combatants should not be murdered, no matter the situation. Simply put, all this war is just crazy; American soldiers, women, children (Muslims and Non Muslims alike) and citizens by the thousands have been killed and all this crap needs to stop…..
Your desire to watch me and my buddies, as you put, is fine by me… I would be happy to let you spend a day in the life of Joseph Sneed, lol. Sincerely, call me and come meet my mom and dad, my DOWNS Syndrome uncle and my mentally ill brother. I’ll take you on a tour of our Masjids and let you meet some really good people. Sit down with me and eat lunch; who knows, you may change your feelings about me and remove some of that hatred of Muslims that you so often let show. My offer stands and is sincere… I have nothing to hide… What do you say?
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